Thursday, June 10, 2010


I didn't get a chance to update this thing yesterday because I was working until all hours and didn't really feel like looking at a computer again when i got home.

anyway here are some weird pictures i took in Prague. I took them at this toy museum in the old town part. Everything was behind glass and hard to get a good shot of (especially with a crap camera).

I'll put up some more designs soon as well soon.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I did promise i would keep this updated so here is some more stuff i designed. I don't really know who i'm addressing because i haven't got anybody following my blog, yet...

anyway this is a poster i did for mark at bootleg, I was on a pretty big green buzz that week as you can see.

Here's a poster i made for Dan le Sac Vs Scroobius pip. They ended up using some clip art looking thing in the end but I'm probably gonna keep this for my portfolio anyway.

I made this logo for Keith Anthoney on Christmas day while playing mario kart with the small one on the Wii. Proof that men can multitask,

Monday, June 7, 2010


So... this is my first attempt at a blog. it might take me a while to get the hang of this but i promise to keep it up to date as often as possible.

Here are some pics, a logo and a poster i've designed recently... not my best stuff but it's all i had handy to upload today